
Saturday, 18 January 2014

Day 12. The Big Finale.


31 . 05 . 13

C H A N N E L 4 / Saying Goodbye.

When I walked into the office that day, many of my colleagues had suspicions that it was my final day of placement at Channel 4. I already registered that in a matter of time I would be packing up my desk space, dusting down my chair and exiting through those double doors for probably what was going to be the last time. Melissa did not have high expectations for a productive day, she encouraged me to approach others and perhaps begin deciding on some topics for dissertation which resulted in the direction of popular culture, one suggested to me - 'How you distinguish brand content when channelling through Youtube'. When time permitted I would be organising equipment into boxes as the offices had confirmed a move, with transition to a different site. Today was a day for being confident enough to get those last minute contacts, LinkedIn profile connections, Twitter names and most importantly a bucket list of advisable websites when job hunting, such as Mandy.comWhen I look back at how much I had learned in this short space of time, and how much I’ve grown as a person, it’s one of the best decisions I had ever made. Channel 4 was certainly a specialist in the provision of welcoming fresh new talent on board and I also hoped I had brought something to the placement and left a reputable mark on the tie between their business and university students. I would hope that one day I could return to the vital role after completing my degree and thrive for a more concentrated position. In exchange for office departure Krispy Kreme doughnuts I came home to find a letter which contained both a reference from Melissa and a 'Topshop' voucher, I assumed this was the answer to my lack of funds for summer clothing, but I was more than thankful for the opportunity

A boundless amount of transferable skills acquired, endless coffee runs, double figures in trains boarded, numerous locations of London explored, a Redbull a day, several imitations of my northern twang, a minority of celebrities met, a large brand conference and one epic festival to top it off, It was certified I left placement with the London bug and reflecting back on my experiences urges me to pursue another chapter with Channel 4 in the southern quarters.
Channel 4, it's been pretty "Mint".

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